
Monday, January 26, 2015

Lit Terms 3 Remix

exposition - introduces background information about events, settings, characters etc

expressionism - modernist movement originating in Germany that presents the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.
“Scream, The”

fable - a fictional story where non human elements are personified to tell a moral 

fallacy - faulty reasoning; misleading or unsound argument

falling action - occurs after climax has been resolved

farce - a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations

figurative language - using language to compare one element to another

flashback - an interruption of the chronological sequence (as of a film or literary work) of an event of earlier occurrence

foil - a character that shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualities of another character with the objective to highlight the traits of the other character

folk tale - a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth

foreshadowing - a warning or indication of a future event

free versepoetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter

genre - a category of literary composition determined by literary technique, tone, or content

gothic tale - literature that combines fiction, horror and Romanticism

hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

imagery - visually descriptive or figurative language

implication - the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated in the story

incongruity something that doesn't fit in its location or situation

inference - a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning

irony - opposite of what is expected

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